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About Me

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Hi...I am Sara

I am a single Mom of two amazing humans. I am a veteran marketer with 23 years experience in digital marketing and the marketing events industry. Through this time, I have been the secret sauce at many of our Industry Events (LinkUnite, Affiliate Summit, AGS and MailCon, currently Lead Generation World, and AFFY Expo).

I believe in self branding and staying true to yourself. I am lucky enough to work with two of the industry veterans. I am collaborating with Michael Ferree the Founder and CEO of Lead Generation World. Together we are developing the best industry Events out there; Lead Generation World and Amanda Farris and I are co-founders of LinkUnite; a women's movement in digitial marketing. We plan to continue this movement empowering and helping as many women we can. Amanda and I are who we are - which is simple, loyal, and country women who would rather be in flip-flops or slippers over heels any day of the week. Together we are master networkers and I consider the Digital Marketing Industry our second family.

In my free time I volunteer in my community heading up several non-profits and I used to Coach my daughters athletic teams before she got to High-School. On my lunch breaks I run or hike far and often. Running and hiking keeps me grounded and my sneakers are my best friends. One of my most favorite things I do often is hike my dogs and watch a sunrise on the trails of Monson. 

The one thing you won't get me to talk about is Politics. It's my least favorite subject and the conversation never ends well. I tell my kids never discuss Politics, Religion, Race or Sexual  Preference. 

If I had one wish besides the ability to bring back loved one's that have passed away it would be that people didn't judge others. Life is already hard enough and we do not know what someone is dealing with. Just being kind to someone struggling may turn their life around.
My life goal is to make sure my daughter becomes the Woman she is capable of being and only allowing healthy relationships in her life and to make sure my son becomes a respectable Man who knows how to treat a woman. If I can accomplish those two my life will be complete. 

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