I have run thousands of miles, four marathons actually and all the training that comes with it. My sneakers and miles have helped me overcome all my life struggles.
One day I ran along side this young lady and well she changed me forever. My life struggles seemed so little compared to what she has been up against her whole life. This my friends is Maddy. I ran along side her during a local 5K. She never changed her pace, never gave up and pumped through the hills like an absolute champion. When we passed water spots she said no thank you. Her Dad ran along side her asking if she was ok, her reply was simple "yup". Typically a 5K I run 7 minute miles or so maybe 8 depending on what I did the night before and I was trying to keep up with her at this race. And look at this smile? She stole my heart and reminded me my life is good no matter how hard it can be. Thank you Maddy Girl XOXO
Running has made me lose a ton of weight. I won't admit just how much but let's just say I haven't always been this small. I have struggled with my weight most of my life actually. There is no quicker way to lose weight in my opinion then running and a healthy diet. I have learned so much about myself getting lost in the miles over the past 10 years. Running is good for the soul.
I feel like lately I am doing more hiking than running. I like to spend a lot of time in the woods with my dogs and nature. Regardless of what you choose if you pick something that makes you think clear and relieves and life stresses it's good for you! My favorite hikes are when I get up super early and my dogs and I watch a sunrise. There is nothing better starting your day like this! A hike I define as hell is when my two dogs find a skunk and kill it. They are both hunters and well that makes for a long day!