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Chalk this up as Sunday night rambling

Sara Malo

The fact is there isn't really anything interesting to blog about right now. I miss doing it regularly so I figure I will just talk about random shit to entertain my own self. For example there is only 55 days until summer. I am hoping there are beaches I can go too because that's all I am craving right now. At night when I am bored out of my mind I have been reading articles on LinkedIn, listening to podcasts and playing around with new apps that I download. That is how I made this cartoon character picture of myself using an App called RecShot. It gave me a full 30 minutes of entertainment until I showed Molly and she told me it was stupid.

I avoid TV like the plague but that's really not something we can say anymore. I hate politics and hearing about this pandemic just makes me sad. If there is something I need to know of value someone posts it on our family group chat. I do some form of exercise at least 4 times a day simply for something to do. My favorite part of my days are taking my dogs hiking to the trails at Flynt early in the morning. I think I am actually addicted to going up there because it's peaceful as heck and I need the fresh air. However, I did have a mishap a few days ago that almost went real bad. The dogs and I were finishing up our hike coming out on the little bridge we all like to cross by the JV field when I lost site of Lefty. He stays with me and my music but I was side tracked when I saw a police cruiser by my jeep. Few seconds later I turn around and no Lefty. So naturally I went into a panic and there he was in the middle of the man made pond struggling to get to the side. This dog has stuck by me for 10 years so I didn't hesitate other than to toss my sunglasses and my phone in the leaves and jump in to get him. I believe it was about 30 degrees out and there were a few things I didn't plan for. Like the fact that the mud felt like quick sand and once I got Lefty free I kinda got stuck a bit. Meanwhile my small girl pups jumped in as if they were going to save me and neither of them like the water. It was not a good scene and when I got out I had mud and gross water up to my neck. The miracle of the story is the next day I found my sunglasses that were hidden in the leaves. It's also good that I was able to get out because if that was going to be the ending of my story...death by a small pond? That would be really pathetic.

I have been killing my inside and outside house project list. Tons of planting, mulching and painting and chucking shit we don't use. I tried to finish painting my shed today but the rain killed that idea. Pissed off I continued to paint for a few minutes in the rain when really that is dumb as hell because the paint was dripping everywhere. I am not the tallest person so I have been doing some acrobatic type moves in order to help me reach corners and high walls while painting. My Mom checks in randomly to see if I fell yet. Oh and I did get stung by what I think was a wasp on my left arm while mowing the lawn. It hurt like a mother and my arm was swollen for a few days. My kids who typically have no desire to check on me did quite often that day. I told them I may pass out but I was just messing with them because I am not allergic. The extra attention and concern was nice for once. I also broke up a dog fight on one of my hikes which resulted in a nice bite to my wrist on my other arm. I don't have any place to go or be so I didn't care about two swollen arms. When my niece and I go for a run I tell her I need to avoid hills because my arms hurt. Which is total BS I just don't want to run hills at all. I decided a few days ago I want to lose 13 lbs. Why 13?...I am not quite sure as I figured that is a doable number. The issue is I have been eating coffee ice-cream like it's my job. Pretty sure eating ice-cream almost every day isn't in any diet plan. The funny thing is I have no guilt for doing that. I feel like we are all just trying to survive here and if that's what I need to do then so be it.

The Squires staff and customers I believe think I am extremely irregular, which is clearly true. A few days ago they tried to give me a tip about how to load a skid of pellets quick and easy into my cellar. I had to explain the way I was doing it was part of my arm workout for the day and I prefer doing things the hard way. They just never know what to expect when I am on the top of a ladder cutting tree limbs down or having my brother rip out bushes using his truck and a chain. I just laugh and tell them I am checking off my project list. I also like to hide my purchases I make from Rocky's so they don't see them. I try to divide up my business between the two hardware stores but don't want to be seen as a trader. Plus my Dad told me the fertilizer I needed for my lawn was only sold at Rocky's. Really trying my best to grow some green grass around here.

I have enjoyed Shane starting me a fire in our fire pit and sitting sometimes alone watching the stars and all the solar lights I have setup. I do sit out there looking at these things happy but also freezing my ass off. My sister in-law says I can sit and listen to the birds like she does but something people may not know I am not a bird fan. Birds are just kinda gross and shit and chirp all the time. Hopefully that doesn't offend the bird lovers of the world.

I am really looking forward to the rain in the forecast the next few days. Hopefully I can get to a warmer climate sooner than later. Private beach, sunshine, toes in the water, ass in the sand and cold beer in my hand! Have a safe and healthy week everyone and may your energy level be as high as mine.

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