Not sure about everyone else but when I woke up this morning it was hard to believe what our world is currently going through. It has been about a week that we all have been social distancing or taking part in a self-quarantine. Some are stock piling groceries and supplies and hovering by the television to see what this virus is currently doing to everyone. So much is closed and I think we are all on edge with what is going to happen next.
My compassion is with everyone testing positive or dying from this virus. My compassion is with the healthcare providers, doctors, nurses that are facing this head on while I sit at home working on my computer, especially my sister in-law and niece. My compassion is with all the small business owners that were forced to recently close. After all as I read somewhere this morning "small businesses are the heartbeat of your neighborhood, the spine of your local economy, and the spirit of your town." My compassion is with teachers and administrators that are up against trying to make everyone happy with their decisions. My compassion is with with parents and kids that are new to working from home and being home schooled. My compassion is with all the athletes that are losing out on seasons. My compassion is with High-School Seniors and College Seniors because this is supposed to be the best years of their lives spent at events with family and friends.
But here is the crazy thing about all of this. I have not felt this relaxed and positive about things in my life ever. My kids are safely at home getting their school work done. As a family we have spent more time together just talking than we ever have. We are eating meals at the table, going on family hikes with our dogs even playing several rounds of HORSE at the basketball hoop. My house is spotless, I have tons of groceries and cleaning supplies and I have been working on projects around the house I have wanted to do since we moved here. I have been getting up early as I typically do but now without having to worry about making lunches or getting kids to school I feel like I have so much time. I have been hiking on a local trail with my dogs and watching the sunrise up on the mountain, what a way to start your day! Typically spring time I have no time for anything and we run around every night and weekends are crazy. My company is in the events industry and clearly this has hit us hard. However, we have come together with more team bonding and working on immediate solutions for our clients and employees it has made me even more proud to work this company. By no means am I happy about any of this but it's ironic what perspective this has given many people both personally and professionally.
I have been trying to think how I can help when I feel helpless. I started a fitness challenge on mapmyfitness in hopes to motivate people to keep moving. I told the kids we need to try and support local business especially our friends restaurants. I am trying to support the special nurses in my life with a small gesture of lunch on us. I am keeping us home besides getting fresh air like we have been told to do. I have seen some people doing some crazy stupid things while others do brave and things I admire. I use both those scenarios for teaching moments with my kids.
I would lie if I said I wasn't sad about my kids softball and baseball seasons on hold or that none of us are really seeing our friends right now. I would lie if I said I wasn't worried about the future of the economy and our country. But the past few years have taught me a lot about survival. Sometimes you can't control the things that are happening around you especially something so severe as a pandemic. You can control how you react and what you do to help in times like these. Who knows maybe after you read this you will do something positive to impact this situation or someone's life.
Stay healthy, stay smart, stay sane but most importantly take this time to bond with everyone that is under your roof. Force your kids and your dogs to take a random selfie's in the middle of the day. We are all in this life together and who knows what tomorrow will bring. Compassion is powerful and goes a long way.
#covid19 #mapmyfitness #supportlocalbusiness #supporthealthcare #stayhealthy #staysmart #staysane #survivetogether #wegotthis