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Sara Malo

I am not a Grinch but what the heck today really sucked

They say this is the most wonderful time of the year but is it really? I am not a Grinch or a holiday hater so let's get that out there first. However, I am running around like a mad woman trying to accomplish all the holiday stuff and be in several locations at once. When I say "stuff" I don't even mean Christmas shopping as that fun task seems to keep missing from Sara's to-do-list. Yes, I am a Mother of two kids so I actually need to start this sooner than later but I don't want too. My best friends and our kids get together every Christmas to have a ginger bread house contest (that we will win) and exchange gifts. We can't find a single day the entire month that will work so we are trying to squeeze it in on a random week night. It feels like way more money is going out of this house than coming in. There are random bills I wasn't expecting that keep arriving in my mailbox and household items randomly breaking. Why does this happen in December I ask myself? I think the appliance Gods and mean ass bill people just want to mess with us homeowners and parents on purpose.

I seem to be working double maybe triple than normal as this is the busiest time of year for work too. Sleep seems to be something that only my kids and dogs do and not sure about the rest of you but I have put on weight and I already have the winter blues. I had three different conversations with co-workers today who sensed my stressed out disposition. I am lucky enough to work with some really kind-hearted good humans too BTW. They reminded me I am brilliant, doing my best, to take some deep breaths, go for a run and buy a bottle of wine. I took some advice and took my hour lunch break to go for a run with hopes the fresh air would help. So guess what happened to me? I was coasting down a hill and slipped on the ice and took an epic less than graceful fall and luckily for me nobody saw. I wish I could say this was a random act but it happens to me all the time around here. I sat on the side of the road for a few minutes hating this day and wishing it was June before I ran home. On top of that I chipped a nail and well I just got them done less than a week ago and that's just pisses me off.

A friend a few years ago said when your having a dumpy day like I was having today to give yourself a time limit to be pissed, hate life, cry or whatever your release is. She reminded me to always set a short time limit and when that time is up you get your ass up and move on. To remember when I am stressed that will worry my kids. Take all the stressful thoughts out of my head and to think of three things I am grateful for. This advice has stuck in my head and I use this technique a lot. Naturally I am grateful for Molly and Shane and came across this picture just a year ago where they both were still shorter than me, I smiled. I am grateful for my best friend Sarah who hopped in my car tonight while we waited for the girls to get out of practice and let me vent for ten minutes, I smiled. Last but not least I am grateful for reaching out to an old friend last night that is going through a difficult family health situation. She told me to hug my babies for them and to remember every day is a gift, I smiled.

Typing those words tonight make me realize today wasn't that bad and things can always be worse. I will find the time to be where I need to be these next few weeks and the money I need to make Christmas special for my family. Even a positive happy person like myself has shit days and that's cool. For real though repeat after me...every day really is a gift...and I am happy my friend reminded me of this.

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