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Let it Burn Baby

Sara Malo

Sheesh! It's been far too long since I have submitted a blog post. Just not enough time in the day these past few months even for an early riser! Nothing like coming back with a post that hopefully makes ya'll laugh! Especially my women readers.

This past weekend I got up super early and took my dogs on a sunrise hike. It was a good two hours but we were still home by 7am. My daughter wanted to run a few miles with me before we headed out to kayak for the day but she wasn't awake yet. The house was clean, laundry and dishes all done. I checked my emails and Linkedin notifications and was totally caught up. I found myself pacing around wondering what I was going to do with myself until she woke up. I headed outside thinking I wanted to clean the garage but quickly changed my mind on that shitty task. I moved some things around in the shed but for the most part that baby is kept clean and organized. Beyond bored, I decided to start a fire in my rock fire pit. I located some shelves I didn't want, paperwork I needed to burn and more random stuff around the house. I had gone inside to refill my coffee mug and noticed a pile of shorts on our kitchen table. Some of them were Molly's but mostly shorts I had passed to her that didn't fit me. The crazy part is all of them were a size 2. While I try to keep fit I haven't been a size 2 since I got divorced and trained for the Hartford Marathon a few years ago. I started to think about every woman in the world and how we all for the most part do the same dang thing with clothes. We all have a drawer or two of the clothes that are too small. We think...oh I will keep those for when I lose 10 pounds or go on that fun diet. I personally take that concept to an even stranger level where I have drawers with clothes too small, drawers with clothes that fit and drawers with my fat clothes. Frankly I have enough clothes to fit every size woman in this town size 2-10 and then some!

At that point the best thought sprung into my head. I told myself to take those shorts out to the fire and send it. What exactly am I saving them for? I marched outside and one by one I launched those small ass shorts into the fire pit. I smiled, sipped my coffee and I even took videos of those shorts burning. Talk about a moment of truth or liberating whatever you want it to be. This was almost as good as the time I burned my wedding dress. I was completely and utterly entertained and at peace burning these pieces of clothing. All that pressure to get back to a size 2 sailed right out of 3 Green.

On a serious note it's truly amazing what us women do to ourselves and how we view ourselves and the others around us. I was thinking about the book I read "Untamed" by Glennon Doyle. I highly recommend every female in the world to read this book it was excellent. She talks about a perfect woman that she thought existed when she was younger. "When I was in my twenties, I believed that somewhere there existed a perfect human woman. She woke up beautiful, unbloated, clear skinned, fluffy haired, fearless, lucky in love, calm, and confident." What a funny thought because in my opinion there is no such thing. I have been skinny and fat and unhappy. I have been bloated and unbloated and unhappy. I am constantly around people that will group me into a category of not the thinnest or getting older and out of shape. It was when I threw that last pair of shorts in the fire that I decided I am no longer in any of those categories that make me feel like shit. I am going to start my own categories.

The moral here is women are all different sizes and shapes and it's all a choice. We choose to be happy or we choose to be miserable. We choose to be thin or we choose to be fat. We choose to exercise or we choose to sit on the couch. Life is a series of choices and today I choose to not be a size 2.




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