In general I stopped watching television about two years ago. The only time I do watch is if a sporting event is on, mostly Boston of course. Mainly it's because I can't sit still and constantly feel like I should be doing something more productive. Also, more times than none the things on TV depress me. Whether it be a new shooting or some negative news I would much rather read and listen to positive things.
This morning was an exception though. I was folding laundry while the kids slept in. The house felt extra quiet and instead of turning Alexa on I put the TV on for background noise. The Today Show was on and they were mostly talking about the Hurricane ripping through the Bahamas. Something then caught my ear about Kid's in the Spot Light. I was so inspired by this young girl and what she is doing I had to write about it.
Her name is Gracey Chafin and she is just 13 years old from Augusta Georgia, about the same age as my daughter Molly. She started a fundraiser when she was only 5 which is amazing in itself. It started when her good friend Julia was diagnosed with leukemia and her hair fell out. Gracey and her Mom decided to cut their hair to make a wig for Julia. Gracey's parents, as a reward for her generosity took her to a local store to buy something. When they were checking out they were asked to donate a dollar to the Children's Hospital for the sick children. This had Gracey asking a lot of questions about what that money is used for. After her parents explained everything it had her little brain thinking how could she help. The Hospital explained to Gracey and her parents that they raise money to buy red wagon's so they can pull the children around the hospital in the wagon's verse wheel chairs. Gracey took it upon herself to start raising money to purchase the wagon's and the toys to put inside the wagon's and then to donate them to the hospital. Her non-profit is known as Lil G's Wagon of Hope. Since 2014 Gracey has raised money to purchase 213 wagons and $20,000 worth of toys. You must watch the full story featured on the Today Show here: https://youtu.be/vDaPGemcGGk
I was glued to the TV listening to this story. This young girl is so inspiring and can teach us so much about selfless acts of kindness at her young age. It's really an amazing story and I will certainly be making a donation to her cause. Keep making a difference Gracey!