Sitting here on this Sunday evening in my cozy living room. I am blaring Brandy (You're A Fine Girl) on my Alexa, the current song stuck in my head today. I have been giggling thinking about the conversations I had last night with my girlfriends over a few coronas and some football.
Dating was one of our highlighted topics. I am the only single friend at the moment so for whatever reason my life is extremely interesting to all. I was telling them what I have recently learned in this crazy dating game. For some odd reason some guys out there will reach out whether it be via social media or texting and they just want to do just that...text. There is actually a thing called textual relationships, who knew this was a real thing? It's so odd to me because why on earth would you want to take time to text and chat someone if you have no intentions of asking them out on a real date. That seems like a giant waste of time for everyone. But it's a thing and it's supposed to help with their egos I hear. The thing is about this girl is if you are working on your ego lose my number and my social media handles. What I say is "man up" because you can't get to know someone through a phone or a computer. What's the worst thing that happens the girl says no or you go out and find out you really are not meant for each other in the first place. I don't care what decade we are in. Some would call this old fashion I call it real life.
Both in my professional world and personal world I am extremely friendly. Frankly it's my job to make people happy, feel important and to want to work with me again in the future. I don't care how old you are, gender, sexual preference or any other lifestyle your in, I treat all humans the same. Well...if you cross me or anyone in my immediate circle your toast. I am the most loyal person you will meet. I honestly can talk to anyone about anything under the sun so at first in a lot of situations I didn't even know I was in these textual relationships. I have been in recent situations where I am chatting with a guy and they think I am fancying them when really I am just being my friendly outgoing self. I have said this time and time again I am the type of girl that hops into an Uber and within 10 minutes the driver is telling me their life story. I find people interesting and their life stories and not every time a girl is being friendly with a guy does that mean she is interested.
Then you have the crazy shit like guys reaching out that are either married or in a relationship. Unfortunately this is another huge no for me. This should be a huge no for everyone but sadly it's everywhere. It still amazes me how people do this and break up families and relationships without batting an eye. Or even worse breaking up long-term friendships over a one night stand. You see this shit at the local gym it's almost like women are working out strictly looking for a date half naked. That road is dark and I feel sorry for anyone traveling it.
It wouldn't be right if I didn't give kudos to the regulars at the bars that will randomly ask you out. While I think that is cute and I am sure all of you out there are good humans this is also a no for me. I have had guys tell me they are taking me on a date with a few marriage proposals. Shortly later I break it to them that yah...no that's not happening today or any day. The thing about this stage of your life is you know exactly what you want and what you deserve. I spent too many years with the wrong and was treated poorly. For me to spark any interest in you there has to be something really good I see right off the bat. Shockingly enough not all single women are trampy and some still have self respect.
Side note, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being single. In some situations it might be best especially after a divorce. Like many women you may need time to re-discover yourself and avoid complicated relationships. Clearly dating can be very confusing especially in today's world. A few weeks ago I was at a roof top bar in New York City. I was standing outside admiring the view of the city with a glass of white wine. These two guys approached me and asked me why I was there alone. We sat for a bit and I told them when I am traveling I do tons of things alone. We discussed our careers and the city, keeping conversation light. Don't get me wrong I am very cautious and aware of my surroundings at all times. Not to mention when it was time for me to head back to my hotel I told these two new friends if they follow me I will kill them. Occasionally you need to rip out your dark diva voice to be clear on your intentions. I had older brothers I have been properly taught how to kick someone's ass if needed. The women in my family are not to be messed with in general.
Live acoustic music, maybe a cocktail or maybe not, good conversation and respectful manners that would be my perfect date. Remember ladies we all deserve to be treated like a queen. Anything less well do what I did toss that out to the trash.
Hope everyone has a prosperous week ahead. #2020dating #dontsettle #useyourinnerdiva #knowyourworth