My Mom comes from a unique family. Unique defined as being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else. Well if that isn't a true statement I don't know what is. I was thinking today when I ran by the "Hull Hole" on my lunch break how I would describe this crazy family? The Polish Club grown, stubborn as hell, golumpki eating, bunch of always right Polocks who drink beer. Maybe a shit ton of beer and laugh at their own jokes. There are certainly a lot of us around, more than we probably all know with big stubborn hearts. My BFF up the hill sent me a snap chat a few months back. She said "Sara, there is a really good looking police officer on my porch you should come up and see". My friends often entertain themselves with my single life status. Turns out it was Officer Hull, and yah kinda related to him.
There was a Hull family reunion like ten years ago if we are calculating that right. A few months ago my cousin Sam had a beautiful wedding and brought a good chunk of the family together. Post wedding my brother tried to gather some family members and create a reunion team. The group was formed but they could not even find a date that worked to have an initial meeting let alone pick an actual date. Now here we are going through social distancing basically on lock down having zoom calls with each other. With all this extra time on my hands I think to myself why do we do things like this? Why do we say we will get together, take a trip, have a reunion then never lock down a date and boom it's forgotten? Have our lives become that busy we can't make exceptions because that's sad. It's sad because this weekend my Uncle Peter passed away, my Mom's younger brother. These things make you think nobody knows what tomorrow is going to bring. This is why we ALL should practice living each day to it's absolute fullest.
My Aunt Mary, a woman with a heart of gold is in Arizona where they moved to explore the world. I envy them for moving across country to explore, discover new hobbies after years of work here in Massachusetts. Personally, I wish they had more time together and this death didn't suddenly change everything. As strong as we know my Aunt is, our hearts break as she morns the death of her husband alone while all of us, her crazy loving family is forced to stay home. It's very sad to know loved one's are dying and this virus is keeping everyone from paying respects.
For all the Christmas Eve's, epic birthday cakes, endless haircuts, hair products, education on flowers, getting us all started with colorful lily's and hostas, captain crunch cookies and a zillion of your homemade baskets for yet another fundraiser I was having, thank you. Aunt Mary...this blog post is dedicated to you for being a wonderful Aunt to all your nieces and nephews, and Lord knows there is a lot of us on both sides of your family. You are not walking this alone, you will never be alone. We wish we could go on your morning walk with you, especially this week. As we all do our part to make it through this horrific pandemic this is a strong reminder to us all to stop breaking plans and saying no with time with family and friends. A reminder for us all to see more of the world, go on last minute trips, try something new, take a risk because we all can and we are still here on this beautiful Earth. Maybe it's even time to stop picking on Carrie, Jack and Jane because we all know nobody would survive on that island with just them and that too is ok!
Love to all of you reading this XOXO.
I love reading this post on crazy families. I just needed it today. Y no reason. Thank you so much for the kind words.,