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Reflecting Christmas Eve morning; 2023

Sara Malo

I do the same thing every Christmas Eve morning. I head out to the woods with my dogs to reflect and be grateful. I then sit down to write in a journal, Facebook post or today, this blog. Christmas Eve is a little different for me. When I was 21 my cousin and best friend Jen was killed in a car accident. We were together before the accident so I often remind myself that some of us get a chance to live when others are taken too soon. I like to remember all the fun times we had together, our fights when we shared a bedroom and just the person she was at 20 years old. All of this reminds me how lucky I am for the life I continue to live.

2023 has been a successful and good year. My kids continue to thrive in their lives at 15 and 17. The year started out with Molly getting her license which was life changing for me but also provides a ton of worry. She continues to amaze me with the young woman she is becoming. She is currently #1 in her class and takes school serious and it's time we start looking at colleges. She isn't quite sure what direction she plans to go in which is totally fine. I will support whatever decision she makes. My other reflection of her this year was when she took the ball to the head at her softball playoff game. Where I just about lost it being scared to death. I will never forget the look on Mia, her catchers face of fear. Everything turned out ok but man that was a scary day. Mols has been working a lot at Trelleborg and learning everything under the sun with marketing, business and human resources. I love her work stories she shares at dinner. Shaner is just amazing too. He takes the role as the man of this house at 15 like very few adults. I can always count on him to help me. He also does things like make sure his sister has air in her tires which seems to be simple but it's not to me. He is a heck of a cook and also gets great grades in his sophomore year. I love watching him play sports and this year he was recognized for soccer and basketball. I continue to look up to him as he is over 6 feet tall. There really isn't much that kid can't do. It's hard to believe we are winding down their high-school years but I can assure you I am enjoying each and every day!

LinkUnite has continued to inspire and grow in 2023. Sometimes I sit down and think about this movement and how grateful I am that Amanda and I were able to push this through. We were able to release our membership program and mentorship program to elevate all the women we can this year. Watching Emma, Lizzie, Lexi and now Kara grow has given me so much joy. We plan to launch so many more mentorships in 2024. LinkUnite put more women up on stages where they belong, business happened, new jobs were found and the tribe has grown significantly. LinkUnite III in Park City Utah was a wonderful success in a beautiful location. We are beyond grateful for all of our partners, ambassadors and tribe members. I am so excited for the First Lady of LinkUnite to happen next month in Hollywood Florida at Lead Generation World. If you are not involved with LinkUnite I highly suggest you reach out! My day job with Lead Generation World has been very successful. It's wonderful working with a small team who appreciate each other with the same goals. I am grateful for all the support Mike has given LinkUnite and all the women in the industry. We care about our Clients and hope our Events grow and provide the value we see in them. To say we have big things coming in 2024 is an understatement.

There were so many other big things in 2023 that I was a part of. My niece married her best friend and it was a beautiful day for the family. I was Amanda's maid of honor at her wedding in Chattanooga. I think I did an ok job with my maid of honor speech and her husband Patrick is a great friend. They flew to Boston where the five us had a great time at the Celtics game and they loved spending time with my kids. We took my parents on a great trip to Costa Rica. There were so many highlights but sitting on your deck with monkeys was the best. It's fun dragging my parents to new places and having them experience all the things I am lucky to experience. I love the time my kids get with my parents and they are super close. I have continued to take care of my Aunt who suffers from Alzheimer's disease. This is all up and down and the hardest thing to understand and witness. I have continued to learn patience and understanding and I think as a family we are doing the best we can. I am grateful for the staff at Cedarbrook Village where she lives. Today I will pick her up for lunch with my Dad, brothers and sister in-law and I am grateful for the time I spend with her. I am proud of all the projects and good things that have happened through-out the year. Specifically, decorating the town, Wreaths Across America, giving out more scholarships and the sign/scoreboard we were able to get at the softball field with thanks to Trelleborg. I have continued to do several house projects on Silver Street. Hoping our big basement refinish will finally be completed in January. I hope that becomes a fun place for the kids and their friends to make more memories. It's been fun having some old friends like Rog up here helping accomplish our vision. I will continue to go with - if you build it they will come! I am always grateful for all my home friendships, the LinkUnite Tribe but specifically thankful for Amanda, Camilla, Debbie, Tracy & Suz for having my back and talking me through many ups and downs. Girlfriends are nothing short of angels. 😇

I have had personal relationships come and go, nothing quite worth keeping yet. I continue my focus on my kids, career and showing women all over you are capable, worthy of whatever you set your mind too. Single working Moms are pretty powerful people. I wish everyone reading a very Merry Christmas with family, friends and whomever puts a smile on your face! More blogging to come in 2024...




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