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Remember your first CRUSH?

Sara Malo

I wouldn't say this is a blog post about my first love because let's be honest do we know what love is at 14? Hell, I have yet to figure out what love is as an adult or find it for that matter. But I will talk about my first crush, love, boyfriend or whatever we are calling it these days. The British way of saying the first guy I fancied.

That lucky fella was the one and only Nathan Kology. I am sitting here laughing just thinking about those days as I am sure everyone that knows the two of us are too. From what I recall we dated for a long four years. It began my freshman year and he was a junior who was driving. Not sure what the dating protocol is right now in High-School but it wasn't cool to date a guy younger or even someone the same age when I was there. If you were anyone you were dating an upper classmen. That is one who was playing sports of course, specifically baseball. My Dad always said I had a thing for baseball players but that shit didn't pan out so well.

Nate took me to four proms I think because I can remember the dresses. He would drive me home from his baseball games in this old beat up yellow truck. The passenger door didn't work not even sure it was properly secured but I would sit up close to him as he drove. We used to call that "riding bitch" but pretty sure that isn't political correct in 2020. When he graduated High-School he joined the Army and headed off to basic training. The amazing girlfriend I was I attended his graduation from basic with his parents. From there I believe he was stationed at Fort Knox in Kentucky because his sister and I took a bus there to visit him. Good God that was a train wreck of a trip. I can't even believe my Mom allowed me to do that because no daughter of mine would be allowed to do that. Our relationship was short lived after that when he was sent to Korea. I did write him some letters along with my other guy friends in the service. But at that point I was a senior and wanted nothing to do with a boyfriend. It didn't really end that well as I remember that very clearly. We hated each other for many, many years. I think the real reason was because I broke his heart and he hasn't been the same since! The two of us became the center of attention or I should say the center of many jokes for a long ass time. Fast forward to now and I get to call this guy a friend. We put aside our differences, grew up a little and let some shit go. I think I actually admitted to him a few months ago that I thought he was a good person. I was definitely being super nice that day.

It's fun every now and again to walk down memory lane. Our past memories of people whether they are good or bad mold us into who we are today. I hope this blog post jogs some memories in all your minds and you can think about your first crush tonight too. Hopefully it makes you smile and not cry!




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