It's that time of year for me where I try not to run on my lunch break and instead I run in the early morning or late at night. I am certainly not complaining because summer and sun is finally here and living in New England lord knows winters are long. Running in the heat and humidity is not for everyone and you need to be super careful. If I am only running 3-5 miles I can manage the heat but I have certainly paid my price on many long runs from not properly hydrating and pour eating habits. Here are some tips to try and follow:
There are many great running websites out there with several tips that you can follow for running in the heat. One of my favorites to follow is Runners World they are always posting really helpful information. They had an article come out in May regarding running in the heat which is a great read. Here are a few things I have learned in my 10 years of running.
1. Hydration does not happen immediately. If you know your going for a run especially a long run you need to start hydrating the night before. I mainly drink only water and on occasion I do need a gatorade after a run. Gatorade zero is a great sports drink if your watching your calories. Also believe it or not chocolate milk is a good recovery drink. Its not for me though the thought of milk after running turns my stomach but I have heard of people that do like it. You can also start or end your run with a protein shake which is typically what I do. For longer runs you can purchase a fuel belt and drink water or mix water with gatorade and take small sips during your run.
2. Consider purchasing a runners hat which is light weight and waterproof. Or a coldsnap headband to keep your hair and sweat out of your face. I am a total chill kind of runner and just throw my sneakers on and go whenever I have the time. I don't spend a lot of time on my apparel.
3. You definitely want to run in light weight clothing. I never run in shorts only running capris or running pants because I don't like dealing with any chafing what-so-ever. I also never run in a t-shirt only a tank top or a t-shirt I cut the sleeves off of. That's a Malo trait none of us can deal with sleeves when exercising. If you do have issues with chafing there are tons of products out there you can purchase.
4. If you are smart which I am clearly not you will also wear sunscreen for your summer runs. You can definitely burn even the back of your arms and legs without it. Unfortunately I never wear sunscreen but with my skin tone I also don't burn.
5. My last tip is to have a handful of blueberries after a run. After my first marathon one of my running friends gave me this tip and I have used it ever since. As a runner, blueberries are one of the smartest fruits you can eat. Blueberries are packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and disease-fighting antioxidants.
Happy Summer Running Ya'll