A few weeks ago I had the most interesting phone chat I have had in what feels like forever. I had no idea what the topic was going to be about. The call was set up as a strategy session and referred by a mutual friend. Of course we kicked off the conversation about Covid and how business and our personal lives have been affected. We then shared our personal struggles and successes. What we have learned over the years working in this crazy Industry, what works for us and what doesn't. Which basically had us talking about adult survival stuff, travel, tattoos and all the stupid things we did.
What threw me off completely and believe me I have the gift to gab is when he asked me "Sara, what don't you want"? That is such a loaded question within life. I have my kids, a career, post-divorce dating and fun with friends. At that point I thought I have never been seriously asked that in all my life and I really wish someone did. I have realized there are just certain people that come into your life at the most random times to make you think about yourself and the person you want to be. The past three years there has been a few people like this that have come and gone. Ironically enough I moved out of my marital house three years ago today. So that's exactly what I did, I thought about myself. I made a list and broke it into three categories. I then pondered, I got teary eyed but I mostly smiled like I am pictured here. Reading this list and knowing there is still time to make changes and everything doesn't need to be done the way everyone thinks it does. I want to break the "norm" with no more timetables. And please for the love of God don't tell anyone they are too old or too young to do anything. That is the biggest inaccuracy I have ever heard.
My very first initial thoughts were a bit meaningless. I don't want to be fat, I don't want to grow old and turn to wrinkles and I don't want to be so tired I stop having fun. So I started my list with my kids. Raising teenagers almost feels like getting kicked in the gut once or twice a day. So much to keep up with and worry about. I know I don't want disrespectful kids. I know I don't want them to feel entitled and I want to teach them to work hard for things. I don't want anyone telling my kids they can't do anything. I don't want us to forget people that have influenced us even when they are gone. My house is full of thousands of pictures because of this. And mainly I don't want them to experience anymore pain even though I know they will.
On to my professional career I went. I know I no longer want to work with or for people that are not loyal and have their own agendas. People that think you can only grow by your looks, money or social status. You are talking about a girl that lives in running clothes, sweatshirts and baseball caps. That doesn't make me beneath anyone just makes me comfortable. I don't want people telling me I can't speak to someone or make a move to better my skills because the times I have are the most rewarding relationships I have made thus far. I don't want to be told I can't do something to help the company grow because it's not in my job description. Getting outside the box and working the extra mile is who I want to be and what has brought me here today. If you can't get out of your comfort zone and put yourself out there well I promise you Digital Marketing is not the place for you.
Last and and still learning on this one, relationships. I don't want to walk behind anyone. If you can't walk side by side a strong woman please carry on. I don't want someone filling my head with BS and no good intentions. I don't want anyone telling me I need this or that. I am a full-time working Mother with a big old house, teenagers and dogs. I can juggle whatever someone throws at me. Back in the day I watched my own Mother move a giant grand piano across the room herself when she was told she couldn't. Let that be a lesson.
I guess if you take anything from this post please take this. Don't let anyone tell you how they think you should live your life. Be brave enough to break the normal and let them talk about you. I mean let's be serious what the hell is normal anyways? Ask yourself often what you don't want. I wish someone asked me this at every stage of my life thus far. This brought me back to a place where you will make better decisions because you are looking at things from different perspectives. Her is one for you. I don't want bread makers to make a loaf of bread with 26 slices. Why don't they make half loaves for small families like mine where everyone eats a different kind of bread or loaf and a half for the larger family? Why can't we stop all the ordinary normal stuff?
As Tim McGraw and Tyler Hubbard say in the song Undivided "I just wish we didn't think like that"
I don't want to stop blogging.
I don't want any regrets.