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Share a secret you’ve never told anyone. Until now!

Sara Malo

So take a second and think about your deepest and darkest secrets. Secrets you wouldn't even think to share with your bestie let alone in a blog post. These are usually things from your past where you are like holy shit I can't believe I did that or was involved in that. These are the types of things I think about in the middle of the night. Around 2am earlier this morning I thought of ten really juicy one's that would probably top my blog views and really put this sucker on the map. But a girl can't share that much secret information not this new to blogging, not yet anyways...!

I will share one that isn't so controversial or put me in the center of the town gossip string. Never one time in my life have I felt comfortable or slightly confident in a bathing suit. Not when I was 14, 18, before kids, after kids or even in top marathon shape. Just a few years ago I was close to 110 pounds soaking wet. I think I was pretty much drinking water and eating pineapple and still not comfortable in a bathing suit. During the summer I get super tan, almost where you can't recognize me. My nephews say I am their black Aunt during the summer. You would think when I am tan I would be at least somewhat confident but that's just not the case at all. I was told to cover up, wear boy shorts, tankini tops to cover my stomach so many times. I always had to have shorts and a cover up close by no matter where I was. Forget taking straight up pictures it's a project to either stand behind someone, take them in the water or back up really far away. I am so cautious who I go to the beach with or what I wear at my parents pool all summer long. It's pretty annoying to be honest and for someone that takes a shit load of pictures you would be surprised what I do. The picture I included here I am sure I made poor Molly take 1000 times, at least. Everyone in my family is in very good shape and always looking hot in their swim suits, not a fatty in our group. So it's hard to live up to that. It wasn't up until a few years ago did I brave a bikini and that was pretty much because they are so much more comfortable than any other suits I have owned. And believe me I have owned hundreds.

I did have two babies and gain like 80 ridiculous pounds with Molly that I am still paying for. I have lots of scars and tattoos to prove it. I wouldn't suggest eating cheeto puffs and coffee ice-cream for dinner every night, oops! For real though it's a goal for one of these summers to finally let go and wear whatever the hell I want. That would probably require a trainer and some serious ab work but who knows just maybe I will get there. Because I do want to be proud of who I am and after all what am I really afraid of?

Keep fighting the fight with your bodies Ladies! #sharingsecrets #tuesdaynights #isitbathingsuitseasonyet

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