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Shout out to my fellow single parents

Sara Malo

As I sit here anxiously waiting for my kids to come home from what feels like an eternity I remind myself to count my blessings. Blessings that no matter what this is a way better situation than it was before. I am also reminded that I am not alone and I am surrounded by some pretty amazing single parents feeling the exact same way I am. The single parent stress, that unless your living it or lived it you can't possibly understand.

One day you know every second where your children are, you know they are safe because they are under your wing. The next day a percentage of their time is spent with their other parent and that leaves you worried and anxious. I can honestly say there is nothing to truly prepare you for this lifestyle. It's that feeling inside you can do without. I find myself digging pretty deep into my soul trying to understand and except what is on a daily basis. Today I walked or ran 5 hours of my total day which is not normal for most but it keeps my sanity. I remind myself about the two different types of people or parents in life. The one's that quietly do everything for the children day in and day out no matter what it takes. The one's that sacrifice everything and go without to make sure their children are #1 and have every possible thing they need. The one's that simply get it all done before the day, week or month ends with a big smile on their face. Then the other type sitting back and reaping the benefits as a life show. While this isn't always the situation 9 times out of 10 behind the closed doors it sadly is.

So this blog post tonight is a huge THANK YOU. Thank you to all the quietly doing everything parents for doing the job you were given the best way you know how. Your amazing, brilliant, badass and inspiring as fuck. For all those private tears you have shed or have hidden some day it will all make sense and be worth it. This is a group of people like no other.

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