I will admit I am 100% fully addicted to my cellular device. My cell phone is my lifeline with connecting to my kids, work, family, friends and the rest of the world. I can work on my phone no matter where I am because I have all the apps, software and social media handles that are known to wo-man. My job requires endless hours on the phone and as a matter of fact What's App, Skype, Slack, Text, Snap etc. is always going off every minute of every day. This includes weekends and 24 time zones.
The honest truth in my personal world is if you text me or snap me and I don't return within minutes it's because I straight out don't want too. You know darn well my phone is by my side. If you call me there is a 1% chance I will answer and if you leave a message it will get deleted. If I am engaging with you during work hours or out of work hours consider yourself the lucky one's! Even an addict like myself takes mental breaks sometimes.
For real though what scares the crap out of me is how addicted our youth is, my two kids included. I am constantly telling my kids to put their phones down and to go outside. My son's response every single time to me is "Mom you are on your phone" and I always respond even if I am not "I am working Shane, someone here has to pay the bills!" Not to make excuses for my actions but my brain is already fried and these younger minds are still developing. What really gets me fired up is when I am having a full conversation with them and they have their airpods in, phones in front and don't hear a word I am saying. On average I scream to the top of my lungs 10 times a day until they take out the airpods so I can actually speak to them. My kids were at their Father's the night before going back to school after the long holiday break. I was up as I typically am taking my older dog Lefty outside. I had this weird Mother instinct that Shane was still up and it was 2:30am on a school night. So I snap chatted a picture of my dog and put it on my story and posted a meme to my instagram story. Within seconds Shane viewed both of them. Needless to say I lost it on him for being awake so late. A few days later I brought that up to him and he told me that was genius parenting and I fooled him with my tricks. Again 2:30am we are both on our cell phones...WHY?!
I am very aware of our addictions so we do make a valid effort to do things without our phones. One being a dinner together at the table once a week where I force them to conversate with me. I would definitely say the winter is harder where in the summer after dinner we swim, play tennis or shoot hoops together. I just don't want to be raising the kids that are at a party or event and can't hold a conversation with people because they are afraid to put their phones down. I have been trying to brainstorm ways that I can lead by example with all of this so I have decided every day for 1 hour all 3 of our phones need to go in a basket. I just decided this today though so I don't have any feedback LOL. I do know that it's time I set an example and put my phone down more too. I feel like this is a slippery slope and I know a lot of kids issues are caused by having the key to freedom on their phones. What's going to happen in a few years when we find out smart phones are killing off youth brains one by one? After all scientists in Sweden are reporting evidence that radiation from some cell phones kills brain cells in rats. YIKES.
Hoping this is in an interactive post and everyone fesses up on how many hours they use their cell phones every day!