I truly believe Veterans Day is one of the most important days of the year as an American. As a Mother I like to sit with my kids on days like today and remind them how lucky we are and how important it is to stop dead in your tracks when you hear our National Anthem, remove your hat and stand tall with the upmost respect possible with your attention directed to our flag.
We have Veteran's in my family starting with my two Grandfather's who both served in the Army, fought in World War II and for two years one of my Grandfather's (Pepere Malo) was prisoner at War. Neither spoke much about their time as most didn't. My Father also served in the Navy and most recent my nephew Noah enlisted in the Army ROTC program in 2017.
Many moons ago when I was in High-School almost all of my guy friends joined the service. I can tell you this much, before they headed off to boot camp we had some fun parties in the woods sending them off. Not that I want to date myself but this was before we all had cell-phones. When my friends left I wrote letters, lots and lots of letters. We would send care packages with things like gum and easy cheese! Like I tell my kids when you sign up to serve our Country you are gone and away from your family and friends. You are not home for holidays or birthdays or the every day things us regular civilians are used too.
So today in the dark world of 2020 I want to tell you about my life-long friend Peter Uliana and his courageous story. Pete enlisted in the US Army in 1993 as Military Police for the initial five years. He did his basic training at Fort McClellan Alabama. After basic training he spent his first year in Korea at Camp Carroll. From Korea his remaining three and a half years he was assigned to Fort Stewart in Georgia the 24th INF Div and 3rd INF Div. While Pete was in Fort Stewart he was deployed to Bosnia the end of 1996, beginning of 1997. His enlistment ended in 1998 and he came home to us in Monson. Here is what gets crazy about his story. Eleven years later a friend of Pete's from the MSP (Massachusetts State Police) said he was going to Afghanistan and wanted to know if Pete wanted back in. Without hesitation Pete said YES I DO. He was enlisted again with two deployments to Afghanistan as MP (Military Police) and as a Horizontal Engineer (Heavy Equipment Construction) and assignments in the 972nd MP Company, 26th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade, 379th Engineer Company, and Camp Edwards MP Station. I will never forget when Pete was in Afghanistan missing out on Christmas with his family all of us friends decorated a small Christmas tree with pictures of our kids and sent it over to him, he was beyond grateful. After those deployments Pete let his enlistment expire again and currently works full-time as a State Police Officer. Still to this day one of the greatest, a tad bit crazy, good hearted men I know.
I can simply tell you this if there is a man I had to pick to be my side in some kind of a zombie apocalypse, hands down I go with Pete all day long. In all seriousness I have the upmost respect for those who serve this Country. The sacrifice and bravery is why my kids and I get to have the lives we do.
Thank you to All
Members of our Military
In All Branches
Past and Present
Living and Dead