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We traveled...when will you?

Sara Malo

I had a friend mention that this Pandemic has been like Groundhog Day every day for a year. I laughed at first but she is pretty spot on. I feel like everything I write about or talk about is the same Pandemic related crap and all the sadness I have been re-living over and over in my head. I am bored listening to my own thoughts to be honest. However here I am because I actually have some good to share!

Let's all agree it's been a very long year and in my opinion you are lying if this hasn't messed with your mental health. Like everyone else I have gone through some bumps in life especially 2020 but running and therapy with a friend always found a cure. Well not this time. It has been one tragic thing after another. I can't tell you how many times I close my eyes and try to wish myself back to February 2020 before life went to hell. I want to say it was late January I read someone's post on social that they were being shunned for traveling. So I wanted to give my two cents on this topic.

Like most I crave travel, adventure, beers and sunshine. I also really enjoy interaction with people especially people I don't know with different cultures. I don't care who you are right now I would love to talk to you. Well I guess not everyone but a good chunk anyway!

Out of 14 people in my immediate family, 6 have tested positive for Covid thus far (knock on wood). My sister in-law and niece who are Nurses have told me horror stories so believe me when I say I take this virus serious. I don't believe this is a fictitious virus made up by Politicians like some and I understand all the risks but I truly believe it's time we get back to normal. We can't go on not traveling, not going out to eat or not having fun outside work and school. Not just us adults but these kids need to get back to school and activities. They are being robbed of so many great memories of mine. So basically last minute after much thought I decided the kids and I needed to get the heck out of MA for a week during their break. I looked at several destinations and what was allowed or not allowed, Coro-no-no as I call it. I found the U.S. Virgin Islands to be a very safe place to go with not too many hoops to jump through and I didn't need to get the kids a passport yet. Plus, I have wanted to take my kids there for years as it is one of my most favorite places. Here's four things I did beforehand!

  1. I booked a Villa because I am still not that comfortable in a resort/hotel atmosphere with my kids right now and that's just my own fear. I just thought the kids and I could be in our own space without anyone in and out with all the comforts of home. We didn't need to wear masks because it was just us 3. I actually found a beautiful place on Airbnb that someone had cancelled last minute, the price was lowered and during the kids February vacation. FATE

  2. Booking airfare wasn't much different, maybe a little cheaper but nothing major. I had this "made up thought" in my mind airlines were not selling every seat like normal that we would be in every other row that's how removed I was from traveling after a year of housebound. No idea where that came from because all of our flights were sold out and full, airports were full even for a 6am flight. The only differences besides wearing a mask all the time or double masks like we did is they give you a hand sanitizer wipe when you enter on the plane and your mini water and pretzels come in a plastic ziploc. Before this Pandemic I was a germaphobe so I never allowed my kids to touch door handles or even play with toys at their Doctor's office. Therefore us washing our hands excessively, using sanitizer and wipes wasn't much different than before. Plus there is 3 of us and we take over a row perfectly.

  3. The kids and I got a Covid test 3 days prior to travel. The USVI has a screening portal you need to fill out prior to flying. You basically fill out basic information and upload your negative Covid tests. We all did our own on our own phones. You then receive a QR code with either a green approval, yellow which means more information is required or red something is wrong. Keep in mind in addition to your boarding pass on your phone you need to present your negative Covid tests which I printed and this QR code at your departure flight, at any layover and when you arrive in USVI. When you get off the plane in USVI they will also take your temperature before allowing you inside. Once we got inside, got our luggage, called for our Jeep rental and took a deep breath we realized we arrived for a week of sunshine 82-85 with a breeze!

  4. If you are going to do a car/jeep rental I wouldn't use the airport or Expedia options. Use Amalie Car Rental, Paradise Car Rental or Discount Car Rental. They are a mile or so away but pick you up at the airport and no waiting. From the time I called we waited maybe 2 minutes outside for them to pick us up. You just need to book far enough in advance or they are sold out. Most people that travel know this stuff but in case you don't! Make sure you inspect your vehicle before leaving the rental parking lot and take pictures or videos of any issues such as dents or scratches. So the only thing you need to do is return with a full tank of gas. You don't want any existing issues to become yours.

Saint Thomas offers many beaches, restaurants, excursions or you can just relax at your Villa, whatever floats your boat. Shane and I made friends in the area with the one and only tackle store. We went to Lanai's Restaurant for my birthday inside LimeTree Resort because it was in walking distance at the bottom of our hill. I had the Roasted Cauliflower with Sriracha Sauce, Sashimi Salmon Poke Bowl with Shrimp and a Mango Daiquiri. If you are in the area of Frenchman's Cove I highly recommend. We also hit Pizza Amore, (Shane can't go 3 days without cheese pizza) The Tap & Still, and The Greenhouse Restaurant and Bar. I do my homework on Restaurants because my kids don't have a palate like I do. We also love to do late lunches verse dinner because much smaller crowds and actually that is a healthier option. Most higher end Restaurants where you were inside took our temperatures on the wrist before entering so that felt safer as well. I loved having conversations with the locals and learning how it has been for them with this Pandemic. It's proper to say Good Morning or Good Night before having a conversation so I enjoy all the polite talk. We went to three different grocery stores because we did a lot of our meals at the Villa. The one I loved the most was Moe's Fresh Market in Yacht Haven Grande. Mols and I had very good sandwiches from their deli one day for lunch. OMG and I can't believe I am mentioning this but they just opened a Wendy's in downtown Saint Thomas. Yup, went there a few times for Shaner because it was his vacation too.

The kids and I stayed in Saint Thomas because of the Villa I found. However, Saint John is my most favorite island and of course the smallest. Fun fact when we were there they only had 3 positive cases of Covid that week. We traveled over there for a day taking our Jeep on the boat. I recommend The Red Barge. The guys they have working for them are hilarious and super chill. I made a reservation two days before. You do need to show up an hour beforehand, very similar process like traveling to Martha's Vineyard. If you are driving I wish you lots of luck. The roads in Saint John are mostly one way roads, all roads on Water Island and Saint John are one lane in each direction. Stay to the left and don't hit a donkey. Not as hard as it sounds driving on the left if you haven't done that before. Shane just kept reminding me to stay left and I may have taken a few years off my life making some corners on our climb. If you are in Saint John I would also hit Skinny Legs for lunch. Our waitress was super fun and fast. This is a great stop if you are hitting the beaches for the day. Cinnamon Bay and Maho Bay are beautiful. Maho Bay has a parking lot with snacks, drinks and souvenirs where Cinnamon Bay has just a parking lot and bathrooms. If you get there early enough you can get a great spot under a palm tree for anyone that wants a break from the sun. Cinnamon Bay has a small island and the snorkeling is great. Last time I snorkeled there my friend Pete and I saw a small shark. He was scared and I was cool as a cucumber! Speaking of snorkeling I highly recommend buying your own and packing it verse renting like we did. So much easier and Amazon and Dicks Sporting Goods have some great snorkeling packs and really who wants to put their mouth on used snorkel gear now?! This way you can snorkel whenever you want. Another great snorkeling spot in a different location of the island is Watermelon Cay. There are some amazing Kayak trips you can take at night with LED lights on the Kayaks where you can see turtles. We didn't have time for that when we were over there. Honestly you can just drive around to the top parts of the island if you wanted the views are amazing.

We got into CT late last Friday night. They do offer Covid testing in the airport baggage claim but it's best to test 3-5 days after possible exposure so they say. We quarantined for the weekend and all tested negative on Monday. I sent my kids negative Covid tests to the school nurse and they were able to return to in-person school on Tuesday.

I have touched on some small pieces of these beautiful islands. There are endless things to do and see there. For me having time with my daughter sitting in the sun at our private Abi Beach was amazing. Sitting in the hot tub with Shaner every night around 8pm looking at the clear sky and stars talking about life, catching big ass fish and cactus plants man it was so worth it. So besides my nasty peeling skin because I am terrible with sunscreen the sun did amazing things for all 3 of us. I watched the sunrise every single morning on the beach with my ice coffee. The kids and I watched the sunset from our Villa every night. The sun setting on the ocean with the ships underneath and the Palm trees in the wind were breathtaking. I will forever wish one of those ships would come pick me up on the ocean side. It's exhausting making friends with the Yacht folk! This week away gave us perspective and a refresh we so needed. My advice to ya'll is spend the money, book your trip and travel safely. It's time to do the things we all talk about and wish to do. Life is short and there isn't always more time.




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