My company asked me to take a video of myself wishing America a Happy Birthday for us to use on our social platforms this Thursday. For some reason this gave me the Monday giggles as I was trying to figure out what I am going to say, wear and what music to play in the background.
I found this article"The 14 Most American Things You Can Do in America" which made me laugh even more especially #8. After all I go to Vegas at least once a year and you know what they say...what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas Baby! Plus I have done almost everything on this list so I am feeling really American today. I then decided to make my own top 10 list of all the things that seem very American to me. A little R rated and Redneck for some of you but certainly true and will give you a chuckle.
1. Smash a Beer on your head or shot gun a Beer (both equally as cool as the other)
2. Wear a tight pair of Daisy Dukes, because the Dukes of Hazzard was a very cool show
3. Do a Keg Stand at a wedding and get timed for your efforts
4. Sit in the bed of a diesel truck while it's moving and shoot a gun at birds
5. Show your boobs in New Orleans to get something for free, like a 10 cent necklace
6. Have a party in the middle of the woods and when the cops show up you run hard and fast (never giving your real name if you get caught)
7. Suntan on a roof with baby oil
8. Tailgate at a Country concert when you don't have any tickets
9. Go to a Bruce Springsteen concert with your entire family
10. Squat and pee in public, a suggested place would be the common in the center of Boston
I would love to hear what you think an American thing to do is? Or your most American thing you have done in the past?
Hope everyone is gearing up to celebrate Thursday with family and friends and have a short week of work like I do!